We often find ourselves aiming for perfection. In a world of constant competition it is more important than ever to remind yourself that you don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be YOU!
We all do and we are in this together.

This post is all about remembering that you don’t need to be perfect. Just discover the joy in being YOU!
When You Are Enough
But Don’t Know It
Walking in Grace is a tricky thing. It’s often, not so much of a graceful walk as it is a wobble or even worse – a crawl on all fours, being painfully aware that if just one more thing was to go wrong, you’d drop on your pretty little face, with no strength or desire to lift it up.
Let’s face it Ladies, most of us are hopeless overachievers, who were pros at multitasking long before reaching adulthood. We are in a constant race with time, with each other and sadly…with ourselves.
You may feel you haven’t done enough…

I am the first to confess that I am my worst critic. Nothing I do is ever good enough, no matter what my loved ones say or how much effort I put into it. I will always find something I could have, would have or should have done better.
There are many women out there, of course, who have mastered the art of perfection and don’t let emotions or the occasional bump on the road derail them. I can be, on a good day, one of them too. But then there are days, when no matter how bright the sun, it is dark inside me.
You may let stress get the best of you…
Such was a recent day, when I felt that I was under a pressure, so heavy I could barely breath. I had taken more than I thought I could handle and felt tired, overwhelmed and disheartened. I did know I had to work on everything I had on my plate, but feeling the weight of the stress and pressure, I did the least sensible thing I could do – cry. And we all know how helpful that is, right? Wrong, of course! I know it, you know it, but we do it anyway. So yes, I sat and I cried, ready to give up on myself, having decided that I was simply not good enough to do it all and do it well.
You may cry and throw yourself a pity party…maybe even invite others to it 🙂
While crying, I proceeded to do the next least sensible thing and texted my sweetheart, letting him know exactly how miserable I felt. (I know, not my proudest moment). I told him how horrible I felt, because no matter how hard I tried, it didn’t seem it was enough. Instead of acting annoyed in response, this incredibly amazing, sweet and loving man, writes back: “What?! You are doing great sweetie, so please don’t be hard on yourself. We are all proud of you and what you do….Lights us up!” It lights them up, he said. Now that was a response that got me thinking. How was it that they saw something in me that I could not. And how could I?
You may remember hitting rock bottom and be terrified of getting there again…
For years I had struggled hitting rock bottom on multiple occasions and summoning up all the strength I was capable of to rise up, only to fall right back down to the bottom. The last time I had hit a low point, it felt like I was in a bottomless pit from which rock bottom felt like the sky to me. After somehow managing to crawl out of there I was painfully aware that things can happen in an instant that could change your life. Now that I was finally in a good place surrounded by people who love me, I just couldn’t see what I had done to deserve it all.
You may listen to the wrong voices…

In doubting myself I had let little voice creep inside my mind. A voice whispering a question only meant to take away my peace.
The voice of the enemy, pouring nothing, but fear and doubt in my heart asking: Are you enough? Are you EVER going to be good enough for him, for your children or the dreams you have been chasing?! That day, those questions were ringing in my ears stronger and louder than ever. How often have you heard that voice yourselves? How often has it been your very own? We can be so critical of ourselves at times, that no matter what we do, it doesn’t seem enough. That day I was fully aware, of course, that self loathing wouldn’t get me far.
Or….you may grow to believe in yourself …

The key is to remember that no matter how much someone was to believe in you, no matter how good, talented and gifted, or full of potential you were, unless you yourself believed you could do something, you probably would not do it.
Refusing to see yourself succeeding, only sets you up to fail. And if you don’t see your true potential, you may never reach it. He may see it in you, maybe all your loved ones do and you truly are gifted, but blinded by your own doubts, fears and insecurities, you refuse to act on that gift.
And even realize that…
you don’t need to be perfect to be enough!
I guess it is easier to give up, walk away or crawl in a corner shaking in fear, than it is to stand up and fight. But no matter how low a point you reach, you must remember you are a fighter, wearing the armor of God Himself and you can do it!
Don’t do it just for your man – though he does deserve it. Don’t do it just for your kids, as much as they deserve it too, or for all those people you may or may not know following you on Social Media. Do it for God, who gave you a gift with a purpose and do it for yourselves, because you are worth it and YES, because YOU ARE ENOUGH!
It took years of countless tears, panic attacks and fainting spells, for me to finally realize that I don’t need to be perfect, to be the perfect one for him or everyone else in my life. All I need is to be the best I can be, do the best I can do and do it all with the love and grace I know I am capable of. Walking through life that way should always be enough and would be a walk well walked. If not with perfection, with grace.
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