Want to write and publish children’s books? Here are some of the top KidLit resources for children’s book authors to guide and inspire you during your creative journey.
Writing is often seen as a lonely venture but it doesn’t have to be. Writing for children is a labor of love and whether you are a seasoned author or just starting out, you are not alone. You will find the writing community to be a very supportive one.
These are some of my favorite KidLit writing resources for children’s book authors, both paid and free. This is in no way a sponsored, solicited or paid for content. I personally use or am a member of the below websites, so you can be rest assured that they are tired and true resources that I wish I knew about when first starting out as a writer.
Though not a comprehensive list, below you will open a gateway to conferences, tons of giveaways, craft classes, meetups and almost anything one would need to embark on this most exciting and rewarding journey of writing and publishing books for young readers.
This post is all about the best creative writing resources every aspiring children’s book author should know about.
Part 1: Professional Organizations, Subscriptions, Industry Insights, & Webinars
- Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
- Picture Book Summit
- Rate Your Story
- Children’s Book Academy
- Children’s Book Insider
- 12×12 Challenge
Part 2: Notable KidLit Blogs: Contests, Courses, Editing Services, Giveaways & Initiatives
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
HIGHLIGHTS: *Conferences * Workshops *Blog *Bulletin *Podcasts *Reading Lists *Regional Chapters *Awards & Grants *BookStop *Memberships
It will be 10 years soon, since I joined the SCBWI and I couldn’t be happier with the decision I made. Being a part of a professional organization exclusively focused on children’s writers and illustrators has been an incredible experience. With both a paid membership and free resources available, the SCBWI website is one of the best places to start from if you are thinking about writing KidLit. Multiple membership levels offer more benefits than you could possibly ask for and then some. Their website and events are great resources for children’s book authors, complete with face to face and online events for learning the craft.
Members have opportunities for retreats, meet ups, mentorships or joining critique groups. They can also participate in annual contests, list their books in the member bookstore or their SCBWI profile page. Additionally, members can attend excellent conferences, apply and vote for awards like the golden kite award, listen to podcasts or simply read up on the latest and greatest in children’s lit. If you can afford a membership do so at least to try it for an year, but do visit their site either way, as they have a lot of free of charge resources, such as the blog, podcasts and recommended reading lists to name a few.
“At its very best and at the top of its game, a picture book is what I like to call a page-turning-meant-to-be-read-aloud-theatrical-extravaganza that casts a spell on everyone lucky enough to be present.” – Allyn Johnston @ The Big Five-Oh SCBWI Conference 2021
Picture Book Summit
HIGHLIGHTS: *Picture Book Summit *FREE PB Mini Summit * Workshops *Author Studies *Podcasts *Blog *Shop
Writing and publishing picture books can seem like a daunting task until you start writing. Then you realize that you have only 32 pages to tell a story children will love in 1000 words or less. That’s when what seemed like a daunting task, appears to be impossible and many give up. In comes the Picture Book Summit to save the day – to inspire, empower and uplift writers. With first hand knowledge, advise and industry insights the PB Summit team is sure to make you want to pick up that pen or keyboard and write the next KidLit best seller.
The summit is a low cost annual conference and fundraiser, but don’t be fooled into thinking they have nothing else to teach you year round. Subscribing to their mailing list is so worth it. In addition to receiving an excellent FREE resource on Revision Strategies upon signing up, they have a FREE Mini Summit, excellent workshops, podcasts, book giveaways and a blog. Keynotes and workshops from previous Picture Book Summits, as well as various writing courses are also available for purchase, which I find is an excellent resource. Their shop also offers the cutest souvenir merchandise and to top it all off there are the annual PB Summit Launch party and PJ Party Webinar. You heard that right…a Pajama Party!!! How cool is that?!
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou
Rate Your Story
HIGHLIGHTS: *Blog *Memberships *Submissions *Spring Contest *Summer Contest *March On *Rating Scale *Speed Pass
Writing without feedback feels to me like shouting in the dark with no one to hear. For the longest time in my writing career I held on to my work until I would reluctantly convince myself it was ready for submission. How I got a contract for my first picture book is still a mystery to me, but there is a better way and Rate Your Story knows it. If you are just starting out, getting an honest, professional critique by a reputable master in our field is the best thing you can do for your book and yourself. There is nothing worse then receiving your newly published creation in the mail and saying to yourself – it could’ve been better.
Rate Your Story is that friend, that master teacher, who will read your manuscript BEFORE you start submitting to not only dramatically improve your chances for publication, but to also save you from looking back telling yourself it could have been better. There are so many things we don’t see in our own work, that others can point out. With a fantastic 10 grade rating scale, Rate Your Story’s services are there to challenge, inspire and help you grow.
But rating your manuscript and providing critique is not all Rate Your Story is about. They also have a wonderful blog, run fun contests, and provide opportunity for published authors to give back to the writing community by becoming judges themselves. Be sure to check out their website and Membership levels. Keep in mind that open enrollment is once an year (usually in November). Should you miss it, you can use their Speed Pass on demand services.
“I’m a rewriter. That’s the part I like best…once I have a pile of paper to work with, it’s like having the pieces of a puzzle. I just have to put the pieces together to make a picture.” – Judy Blume
Children’s Book Academy
HIGHLIGHTS: *Free 7 Day Writing Course *CBA Courses *Blog *Specials and Scholarships *Picture Book Palooza *Book Shop
Mastering the craft of writing for children is an exciting and worthwhile adventure no matter where on your writing journey you find yourself. A beginner has so much to learn. A successful author has more books to write and more peaks to climb. Learning is essential in our industry and what better place to learn then at the Children’s Book Academy. The name says it all. Their courses fill up so fast that I find myself checking almost daily for upcoming classes and special opportunities.
Scholarships, community chat, a blog, a book shop, and courses on anything and everything when it comes to writing and/or illustrating for children. And then there is the Picture Book Palooza, you guys. Once an year gathering of industry professionals talking about the creative and query process. Award winning authors, agents and editors discussing KidLit, revision tips, submission opportunities. Giveaway, critiques and a ton of handouts. And if all that’s not enough you will find a fun, educational and inspiring gathering of people as passionate about children’s books as you, who are ready and willing to teach you everything they know and then some.
“No one is born a writer. You must become a writer. In fact, you never cease becoming, because you never stop learning how to write. Even now, I am becoming a writer. And so are you.” – Joe Bunting
Children’s Book Insider
HIGHLIGHTS: *Write For Kids *Writing Blueprints Children’s Book Insider *Membership *Workshops *FREE Beginner Cheat Sheet *KidLit Socials
When it comes to monthly newsletter subscriptions the Children’s Writing Monthly is the Wall Street Journal of children’s literature. Helping thousands to start and grow their writing careers for decades, the monthly newsletter is my go to for up to date, CURRENT insights regarding KidLit trends and news. Available in both printable and web formats it provides an easy access whether you are reading with a cup of tea or waiting for your child’s soccer practice to end at the park. When talking about resources for children’s book authors this is one you want to have on top of your list.
Grab your FREE Beginner’s Guide Cheat Sheet upon signing up, complete with word counts, glossaries, and ways to improve your manuscript and then go on exploring all CBI has to offer. Try the step by step Writing Blueprints to get that manuscript finished, or go to Write for Kids to access workshops and courses on everything from writing tips for beginners, to publishing and marketing, and even making your own eBooks or creating a book app. CBI’s Write for Kids website also offers hundreds of hours worth of FREE KidLit Socials, educational videos and blog posts that are sure to take your writing to the next level.
“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for.” – Socrates
12 X 12 Challenge
HIGHLIGHTS: *Membership *On Demand Webinars * Resources *Blog *Success Stories
I recently discovered 12×12 challenge and can’t wait to participate. A master procrastinator myself, I find it to be an incredibly motivating and rewarding opportunity. Registration for the challenge opens every January and the program goes on for the entire year. Members aim to complete 12 picture book drafts in 12 months. Meanwhile they enjoy expert advise from literary agents, editors and published authors. Now that’s what I call a New Year’s Resolution.
Webinar series on writing for children, also available to members, bring even more value to this wonderful program. And then there is the member community forum, Facebook group and opportunities to connect with critique groups. If you have missed the cut off sign up date, however, don’t fret. 12×12 has a wonderful blog featuring industry professionals giving expert advise. The website offers over 60 courses as well as a great page with resources for children’s book authors. Scholarships, craft-related prizes and incredibly motivating and encouraging community all await on the 12×12 challenge site.
“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” – Richard Bach
Rosie Pova’s KidLit Oasis & Writing Course Discount
HIGHLIGHTS: *KidLit Oasis Blog *Rosie’s Books *Writing Course *PB Critiques *Workshops
Rosie Pova is a multi-published, award winning children’s book author featured in the New York Times. Her mission – to inspire as many children as possible to read, write and unleash their creativity. She continues to write books that not only succeed in inspiring children, but us writers as well. An author who truly believes in sharing her knowledge, Rosie is very active in the KidLit community. Her interviews, lectures and critiques are a great resource for new and published writers alike. Rosie’s website provides excellent resources for children’s book authors and offers some of the best industry related interviews you will ever read.
Her KidLit Oasis Chitchat Series provide a wealth of publishing, editing and writing insights. Complete with prizes and giveaways, her blog posts are a must read. A highly regarded and recommended writing mentor, Rosie also offers an EXCELLENT and comprehensive Writing Course that covers everything from idea to publication. With one-on-one support, guidance and attention her course and mentorship program are a great way for beginner writers to work on their craft. Rosie was so generous as to offer a $50 DISCOUNT exclusively for our readers.
To take the next step in your writing career, simply follow this link or click on the pic below to enroll in Rosie’s Writing Course and use the code IVANKA to get the discount. While on her website be sure to check out her books. Rosie’s approach to writing is fresh, uplifting and inspiring with themes that pull on the heart strings.
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. – Charles W. Eliot
Susanna Leonard Hill
HIGHLIGHTS: *Making Picture Book Magic *Contests *Perfect Picture Books *Blog *Success Stories
One of the best ways to learn how to write children books is to read and study the best of them. If you are thinking of writing picture books, Susanna Leonard Hill is one name you want to look up. Her books are moving, imaginative, empowering, educational and inspirational. They are everything a children’s picture book should be and more. With 27 books published, of which three are New York Times best sellers, there is much she can teach aspiring picture book writers. And teach she does.
One of the many excellent resources on Susanna’s website is her incredible Making Picture Book Magic writing course. This four weeks interactive course runs monthly. It comes with 21 writing lessons, a private Facebook group, discussions, supplemental materials and the opportunity to complete a picture book draft having received feedback every step of the way. Susanna’s website also hosts the Valentiny, Halloweensy and Holiday Writing Contests. They are a great opportunity to work on your craft and make friends. Follow the links above to check out her blog or access the Perfect Picture Books themed list of the best picture books ever published.
“If you want to write, write. Picture books or novels, poetry or short stories, nonfiction about whatever fascinates you, or even a journal you keep just for yourself. Pursue the craft of writing and improve your skills, aiming for publication, or write any way you want without worry that anyone else will ever see it because you’re writing just for you. Do it for yourself, because it brings you joy, because you’re a writer and you can’t NOT write.” – Susanna Leonard Hill
Karla Arenas Valenti
HIGHLIGHTS: *Master Course *Critiques *Blog
Karla Valenti is a Middle Grade and Picture book author, whose work is delightfully refreshing. A pro in the field of picture book writing she has a lot to teach us, not just through example with her own books, but also through her master course. For aspiring picture book writers, I would strongly recommend studying her books and taking the master course offered on her website. An intensive self-guided workshop on the 8 Core Principles of writing and editing picture books, this course has presentation, application and practice components giving you the opportunity to work on your craft.
In addition to the Master Course, Karla also offers very thorough critiques covering everything to plot and structure to grammar. With hundreds of manuscript critiques, many resulting in subsequent publication, you can be rest assured that your draft will be reviewed with the attention it deserves, by a true master in the field. While on her website, don’t forget to read Karla’s blog. There you will find interviews, resources, as well as writing and editing tips. Whether you’re just starting out, or in need of inspiration, Karla Valenti’s website is a stop you want to make.
“It’s so easy to get discouraged and lose hope in this line of work. Know that you’re not alone in
feeling that way.” – Karla Valenti in an interview for Children’s Book Insider
Tara Lazar
HIGHLIGHTS: *StoryStorm *Tara’s Books *Blog
If you are an aspiring picture book writer and have not yet read a Tara Lazar book, please be sure to pick one up today. Her work is truly inspired and has so much to teach us. For a list of Tara’s books visit her website and while there check out her literary blog. You will find author interviews, giveaways, KidLit insights and gift ideas to name a few.
Tara is also the creator and host of StoryStorm – a month long challenge for picture book creators running in January. The idea is to come up with 30 or more ideas for picture books by the end of the month. What a great way to start the new year on a creative note. Registration for the event begins late December and registered writers who complete the challenge are eligible for prizes.
“A book is a dream you hold in your hands.” – Neil Gaiman
Multicultural Children’s Book Day
HIGHLIGHTS: *Sponsorships *Blog *Reading Resources *Reviewers
If you are an aspiring children’s writer, chances are you are not in it for the money or the fame, but to make a difference in the life of children. One way to do that is by being a part of the Multicultural Children’s Book Day initiative. A celebration of multicultural books, this incredible annual event shines the spotlight on diversity in children’s literature. Free resources, teaching tools, booklists, book donations, and reviews are just a few of the many ways to get multicultural and diverse books into the hands of young readers. Although the event is celebrated the last Friday of January, this is an year round initiative. You can get involved as a book reviewer, or a sponsor and reap the many benefits of being a part of a wonderful global community of book lovers.
Their website includes an excellent page with resources for children’s book authors and recommended reading for different age groups. With multiple sponsorship levels, MCCBD is an excellent way to support the cause, and get exposure for diverse books authors. Sponsorship levels include guest posts, social media shout outs, a Facebook group, and book reviews to name a few. A mother of diverse children and a marginalized author myself, the MCCBD is really close to my heart. But this is not about me. It’s about a community of creators, educators, and parents, uniting to reach children who need to be represented and heard.
Award winner or not, bestselling author or not, published or not, every one of us can still make a difference. After all, isn’t this what we, children’s book writers, are all about? Changing the world by reaching, uplifting and inspiring one kid at a time.
“Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” – E.B. White
This post is all about the best creative writing resources every children’s book author should know about.
These are some of the best KidLit resources I have used and loved. Regardless of where on your publishing journey you find yourself, they are a great way to jump start your career. What are some of your favorite KidLit resources? Let us know your thoughts in comments below.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
Fantastic list! And thanks so much for the kind words about Children’s Book Insider 🙂
Thank you, Jon! It is my pleasure. I have learned and continue to learn a lot from CBI and felt that new authors need to know about it. I wish I had discovered it years ago 🙂
This is amazing! Thanks for putting this all in one place! So useful!!
I am so glad you found the list useful, Linda! Thanks for commenting and feel free to let me know what else you may like to see that may be useful.
So happy to be included in this outstanding list of kidlit resources! 🙂
I am so glad you like it Rosie and thank you so much for your generosity to our readers. There is no doubt that they can learn so much from you, your fantastic blog and your courses. You are a true testament of what hard work and perseverence can acomplish.
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.