Ready to celebrate love and in need of tried and true Valentine’s Day ideas for kids? You’ve come to the right place. These easy and practical activities are sure to delight your little ones.
Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be just about that significant one in your life. It is about LOVE. Why not do something special with those sweet little valentines that love and cherish us unconditionally?
Read on for some easy, inexpensive and practical ideas on how to spend a delightful day or even weekend with your kids. My boys and I have had so much fun with these over the years and you will too. Try one, try all or improvise, but do something. You will be glad you did once those years roll by and your little ones are not so little any more.
This post is all about 9 easy Valentine’s Day Ideas for Kids your little ones are going to love.
1. Valentine’s Day Surprise| Gifts, Cards & Chocolates
Kids love surprises – good ones, that is. So get the house or apartment decorated. No need to do the whole house, either. Pick an area like the kitchen nook or their room. Get a card, some chocolates, a plush toys or a gift of your choice and let the fun begin. Make it as elaborate or as simple as you wish. Go with what your heart tells you and with what you know makes your child happy. There were times when I could not afford much (barely anything really), but even a note on the mirror makes a difference, so don’t let the budget stop you.
Target has a great dollar section, wich includes seasonal items and small gifts. The Dollar Tree is also a great place to find gifts, candy, cards and decor. Keep in mind that in most stores you should go a few weeks before the holiday for the best selection. Looking back, those small, but from the heart suprises made for some of our best memories together. After all, that’s what really matters. Being there for each other. Here is a pic of one such Valentine surprise for under $15, complete with lunch, chocolates, cards, candles and desert.
2. Have a Picnic| Indoor or Outdoor
Picnics make for great photo opportunities and wonderful memories. If you are heading outdoors find a local park, garden or lake with a view. Pack up the picnic blanket (or any blanket really), grab some food and drinks and off you go for a wonderful afternoon. If you are in an area that’s cold or it happens to be raining that day, consider setting up at home. A picnic is a picnic even iif in your living room.
Keep the element of surprise by setting up while the kids are in their room. Spread a blanket on the floor. Throw some cute pillows, decorate with lanterns or tea candles and you got yourself a picnic. Cozy up by the couch (like we did in the pic above) or in front of the fireplace if you have one. Make your kids their favorite snacks and finger foods. Add flowers, cute napkins, plates and cups. Whether outdoor or indoor a picnic is sure to be one of those Valentine’s day ideas for kids and adults alike, that is sure to be loved by all.
3. A Fun Photoshoot | Take silly photos together or opt for a professional photoshoot
Alright, I know a photoshoot sounds expensive, but don’tsay no to it quite yet. Armed with a camera or a cell phone, you could very well be the photographer. A silly, playful photo session, complete with selfies and pics taken by your kids these can become treasured family keepsakes. If the time and budget allows, you could opt for a professional photo session as well. Go for something fun and unique or on-location.
One of our favorite companies to use is Shoott, because of the large choice of beautiful outdoor locations, skilled phoographers, free sessions and great photo packages. Photo studios available in most states we have used and loved are JCPenney Portraits and Picture People. If you are in for an adventure look up an oldies photo studio near you and take a period photo. Dressing up and posing with the kiddos is deffinitely worth it.
4. Bake Together | Pizza, Cookies, Cupcakes & More
Didn’t think cooking together could be fun? Think again. It doesn’t have to be messy either, although getting messy could be fun in its own right. Having kids help in the kitchen not only teaches them to cook and help out, but it is a great bonding experience. Baking is always a good option, as there are a lot of ways for little ones to help. Sifting flower is always a hit, as is breaking orios for truffles or cutting cookie shapes.
If you are not into sweets go for make your own pizzas. Set up the pizza station complete with sauces (marinara and alfredo), cheese, and a few different topings. The first time my son had olives and LOVED them was when he made his own pizza and happened to use olives for the esthetics. Having them use a piping bag to decorate their own cupcakes is another favorite. Get some festive sprinkles to top the frosting and watch the magic happen. Some of the best cupcakes we’ve had were due to the vision and creativity of my little chefs.
5. Read Valentine’s Themed Books
If you have seen some of my other posts or about page it is not a secret that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE books. Enter books about love and we have a winner. If you don’t do anything else, do this. Pick a book and have a family story time, no matter how old the kids are. Better yet, take a trip to the local indie bookstore or a Barnes & Nobles, visit the library and have the kids pic books as a gift, then read them at home.
Many book sellers have specials going on, so do the libraries. Concignment stores are a good place to check out as well, as you may find used titles at bargain prices in great condition. We love the Lama Lama series, as well as anything to do with bears and puppies. Whatever your kids interests are they are sure to find a book they will enjoy. Bring in some hot cocoa with mini marshmallows for the perfect winter storytime.
6. Make Art Together
I will start with a quote from one of my faavorite authors. Neil Geiman says:
“Life is sometimes hard. Things go wrong….And when things get tough, this is what you should do. Make good art. “
Make good art, stuck with me. Thinking of Valentine’s day ideas for kids, Neil’s words came to mind – make good art. So why not try it. Draw, color or paint together. Make your own greeting cards or build an art piece. Put together a collage, a photo album or a vision board. Grab T-shirts and draw on them with waterproof or glow-in-the-dark colors. Visit a local craft store for tons of ideas and supplies, including craft projects you can put together at home. One of our favorites was a bird house we got to paint and decorate at home, so birds could have a cozy house for the winter and enjoy in the spring.
If you want to avoid the mess at home, go to a local art studio. There are placed offering family friendly activities, like make and paint your own pottery, paint a painting or do a sculpture you can take home. Glass blowing studios are also a great option. Not into painting yourself, get a puzzle to do together. I have two words for you: FLOOR PUZZLE. In my many years of educator I have never coma accross a kid or adult who did not enjoy a good floor puzzle. They usually feature beautiful scenes and kids love them. Making art is fun to do and you end up with keepsakes to treasure for years to come.
7. Go On a Date| My Child & Me Day of Fun
A date out with the kids. I am not talking about just going out like you do every other time, I am saying go on a “date”. Dress up. Hair, outfit, shoes – the works. Some of my best memories with my father are when he would take me and my sister out and treat us as if we were grown ups (nothing improper or illegal of course), but it was empowering and we felt loved. So why no take your kids on a date next Valentine’s day and surprise them with an experience they don’t get to do every day.
The possibilities are truly endless. Candle lit dinners, performance arts, museums, movies. Check out your city’s local guide and choose whatever your family loves most. Do something different, memorable and unique. Take them to an opera or a ball game. Go to a themed, kid friendly eatery with games and gifts or a fondue restaurant. See a play or go to the movies. Have mocktails at a lounge (early afternoon, since evenings are not kid-friendly). Visit a chocolatier, take a stroll at the local botanical garden or go ice scating. Kids will love spending time with you and will appreciate being treated to a day or night out.
8. Pamper Them and Yourself | You All Deserve It
Here is one of the easiest Valentine’s day ideas for kids you may not have considered. Pamper them. It can be as simple as drawing a bath or as elaborate as going to a spa together. Dress up the bubble bath with petals, aromatic bath bombs and salts. Light up some candles or use tea candles for safety if kiddos are too young. Bring in some candy, fruit and drinks. A cranberry or cherry juice in a wine glass, strawberries and chocolates, cute soaps and nice calming music. Give the kids time to unwind, day dream and de-stress.
A lot is expected from our little ones and mindfulness activities that help them relax can make a big difference. Mani-pedis are also a great option, weather at home or at your favorite kid friendly salon. Give the kids a massage, or get them little electric masagers. These days you can find some very cute stuffed animals that are also massagers or heating pads with herbal infusions. Try yoga or meditation. Put on face masks and take funny pics together in your robes with green, blank or pink masks on. It’s a day for love, so why not practice self love and feel rejuvenated together.
9. Have an Adventure| A Day Trip or a Weekend Getaway
Give the gift of memories and experience the world. Even if the world is only 30 minutes away. Taking a day or weekend trip to a nearby town or attraction is the perfect mini vacation. No matter where you live there is surely a spot you have not yet seen or haven’t visited for a long time. You can find so much within 2 or 3 hour drive from pretty much any city or town you may reside in.
We like visiting small towns we haven’t been to and learning about the local history, culture and community. If there is a nearby resort make it a staycation. There are many resort chains like The Great Wolf Lodge which offer indoor water parks you can enjoy year round. Complete with tons of children activities resorts like these can provide hours of entertainment and a true vacation. Look up local attractions, resorts and nearby towns, choose a destination and go on an adventure. WHo know what it may lead to.
This post is all about 9 easy Valentine’s Day ideas for kids your sweet little Valentine’s will love.
Whatever you choose to do, make it count. You can opt for free or paid activities. Spend as little or as much as your budget allows. Sometimes, the simple things have the greatest impact, so don’t let your financial situation bring you down. There are many low cost or free activities you could opt for. If you are a parent and single, whether you share custody or raise the kiddos on your own, this is a Valentine’s Day you have a date for. A cute, fun, loving and appreciative one that loves you unconditionally.
If you have a significant other do something with the family or divide and conquer. Have two dates like me if you will. After my divorse, followed by a disastrous brief long distance relationship, I chose to stay single for a few years, but was never sad or lonely on Valentine’s day. In fact I looked forward to it, coming up with ideas of how to show my boys how much they mean to me. I just got remarried, but I am still doing something special with just the boys, as well as a romantic dinner with my hubby.